13 real-life Game of Thrones locations you can visit in 2024
The Game of Thrones finale has come and gone, but that doesn't mean the fantasy has to end (especially if you want to relive all the glory without the taint of that Night King debacle). If you're a GoT fan planning a holiday, why not kill two birds with one stone and visit some amazing places that were featured in Game of Thrones? Because the show was mainly filmed in Croatia and Spain, you could easily make a GoT-inspired holiday in either of these countries. Read on for our list of the best Game of Thrones film locations you can actually visit!
Dubrovnik, Croatia (King's Landing)

The poster child for GoT-ourism is undoubtedly the medieval town of Dubrovnik. Listed as a UNESCO World Heritage Site, it stood in for King’s Landing and a few other locations in Westeros. The stairs leading to the Church of St. Ignatius of Loyola are easily recognizable from Cersei's walk of shame, and the Pile Gate serves as the main entrance to King’s Landing. Dubrovnik's gardens are even more beautiful when you think about Joffrey's agonizing death. The town walls are featured in countless King’s Landing scenes, but walk to their highest point, Minčeta Tower, and you’ve reached the House of the Undying in Qarth!
How to get to Dubrovnik
Sure, you can catch a flight to the Dubrovnik Airport from several major European cities, but where's the fun in that? Croatia has plenty of other Game of Thrones locations (keep reading), not to mention a rich history and stunning natural beauty, so try taking a ride from Split to Dubrovnik. Along the way, you'll be able to visit a few other Game of Thrones filming locations, and experience more of Croatia.
Dubrovnik virtual tours
The town walls where literally everyone walks around scheming. The Pile Gate, aka the entrance to King's Landing. Take a trip to the House of the Undying in Quarth at the Minčeta Tower. It would be a shame not to walk the Jesuit Staircase where Cersei had her walk of atonement.
Trsteno Arboretum, Croatia (King's Landing Palace Gardens)
The Red Keep Garden scenes were filmed in the centuries-old Trsteno Arboretum just outside of Dubrovnik. The quiet paths lined with lush greenery provided a stunning backdrop for some of the show’s most intriguing scenes, like when Sansa was given the amethyst necklace that would be used to finally off that cun...King Jeoffrey. Make sure to find the veranda where sass-master Olenna Tyrell spent most of her time for some absolutely amazing views of the Adriatic.
How to get to Trsteno Arboretum
It's easy to get from Dubrovnik to Trsteno Arboretum—there are even public buses that will take you there! But honestly, you'd be doing yourself a disservice if you don't explore more of Croatia. A trip from Split to Dubrovnik (or vice-versa) will let you put 3 GoT locations on your itinerary, marvel at the beauty of the Adriatic coast, and soak up some of the country's culture.
Trsteno Arboretum virtual tour
Olenna might not be there, but you can still enjoy the view at Trsteno Arboretum.
Klis Fortress, Croatia (Meereen)

While much of the Meereen skyline was CGI, the fortified cliff it stands atop is very real. The ancient Klis Fortress, with its stone walls winding up a rock face, provided the perfect foundation for the slaver capital. Little ‘post-work’ was done to the paths themselves, so if you’ve bent the knee to Danny, you can follow in her footsteps to find exact vantage points from scenes on Meereen’s perimeter, like where she crucified the Masters.
How to get to Klis Fortress
It's only a few kilometers to get from Split to Klis Fortress, so if you're staying in the city, it's just a short car ride away. But if you're reading this, you probably want to see as many Game of Thrones locations as possible, so try for a private car from Split to Dubrovnik. Between Klis Fortress, Trsteno Arboretum, and Dubrovnik, you'll have seen some of the series' most iconic locations. Plus Croatia's coast is beautiful, and there's great food, culture, and history for you to discover.
Virtual tour of Klis Fortress
Thankfully, there are no crucified Masters when on a virtual tour of Klis Fortress.
Šibenik, Croatia (Braavos)

While Arya’s training to become a girl in the House of Black and White was shot in a studio, many of her scenes in Braavos were filmed in the medieval town of Šibenik, Croatia. The standout landmark is the 15th-century St. James’ Cathedral, a UNESCO World Heritage Site that served as the Iron Bank of Braavos. No CGI embellishment was needed for this Renaissance masterpiece to fit into Westeros. As an added bonus, sculptures of 71 different faces encircle the main landmark in the city of the Many-Faced God.
How to get to Šibenik
Šibenik is a bit farther up the coast from the other GoT locations in Croatia, but this is a great excuse to make a trip across the whole country. On a trip from Zagreb to Split, you'll be able to visit Šibenik, and two more of Croatia's UNESCO World Heritage Sites: Plitvice Lakes and Trogir. After a few days, travel from Split to Dubrovnik to hit up the other GoT locations and experience more of the country.
Šibenik virtual tour
The best part about taking a virtual tour of Sibenik is you're safe from murderous, face-changing girls.
Alcázar of Seville, Spain (Dorne's Sunspear)
The Alcázar of Seville is probably the single most lavish location to appear in Game of Thrones. This UNESCO-listed wonder filled in for Dorne’s Sunspear, and its impossibly ornate architecture arguably overshadowed the Martell intrigue. The small-screen doesn’t do the incredible tile mosaics, intricate carvings, and lush gardens justice. In person the Alcázar of Seville is even more impressive, and looks like it was built just for the Martells.
How to get to the Alcázar of Seville
Located in the heart of Seville, the Alcázar is easy to reach once you're in the city. And since Seville has an international airport, you could fly directly there. But you're a GoT fan, and you live for adventure, so instead fly into Madrid, and take a car from Madrid to Seville. Along the way you can stop to see several UNESCO World Heritage Sites, the windmills that Don Quixote battled, and if you plan a properly, 3 more GoT locations!
Alcázar of Seville virtual tour
Honestly, the Alcázar of Seville is even more impressive than what you see in Game of Thrones.
Castillo de Almodóvar del Río, Spain (Highgarden)

Perched atop a verdant hill and complete with palm trees, the medieval Castillo de Almodóvar del Río provided a perfect real-world Highgarden. An impressive sight in its own right, the castle has really owned up to being the Seat of Sass, highlighting the areas where key scenes were shot. And boy, were they key scenes…we <3 you Olenna.
How to get to the Castillo de Almodóvar del Río
The Castillo de Almodóvar del Río lies just outside of Cordoba, a city famous for its UNESCO-listed Mezquita—one of the finest examples of Islamic architecture in the world. A road trip from Seville to Cordoba (or vice versa), will let you see some of the most amazing architecture in Spain, experience two of the country's most culturally significant cities, and of course visit two Game of Thrones locations.
Castillo de Almodóvar del Río virtual tour
While it's a major location in Game of Thrones, you don't actually get to see much of the castle, which makes a virtual tour of Castillo de Almodóvar del Río even more enriching.
Trujillo Castle, Spain (Casterly Rock)
The thick, angular walls of Trujillo Castle in Spain have an undeniable gravitas to them, which explains why the medieval castle was used as both Casterly Rock, and the perimeter of King's Landing in season 7. Poor Greyworm and the Unsullied—having to face such an imposing structure! Walking the battlements, it doesn't take much to image the ferocious fighting that took place here, and the disappointment of having to give it up. Trujillo Castle was also used for when Daeneyrus’ combined Unsullied and Dothraki armies arrive at King's Landing. Though the King's Landing wall scenes are usually filmed in Dubrovnik, Trujillo's impressive fortifications and the beautiful plains surrounding it were probably too good to pass up!
How to get to Trujillo Castle
Trujillo Castle is only about 30 minutes away from the UNESCO-listed city of Cáceres, which is widely considered one of the most beautiful in all of Spain. Plan a trip from Madrid to Cáceres with a stop in Trujillo for a healthy dose of Spanish culture. Tack on the Seville to Cordoba trip described above and you've got a regular GoT Spanish bonanza!
Trujillo Castle virtual tour
Since it stood in for both Casterly Rock and the walls of King's landing, a virtual tour of Trujillo Castle is a double delight.
Los Barruecos, Spain (Loot Train Attack)

When Daenerys finally flies into battle against the Lannisters on dragon-back, it’s to blast Jaime as he’s bringing the spoils of Highgarden back to King’s Landing. The grass plains and rocky outcrops where he’s waylaid are actually the beautiful Los Barruecos nature reserve near the city of Cáceres. While the landscape is a peaceful sight for most, GoT fans might get a bit emotional seeing the field where everyone’s favorite one-handed, sister...lover and the bender-of-knees faced off.
How to get to Los Barruecos
Los Barruecos are about 6 miles (10 km) to the west of Cáceres, giving extra incentive to visit the striking UNESCO-listed city. As they're just a short drive from the city, and you want to all the GoT-ness Spain has to offer, it makes sense to visit on your way from Seville to Cáceres.
Los Barruecos virtual tour
It's much easier to take a virtual tour Los Barruecos than try to find a dragon to fly you there.
Itálica, Spain (King's Landing Dragonpit)

The Roman amphitheatre in Itálica hosted GoT's memorable Dragonpit Summit. While it seated 25,000 spectators in its heyday, three Lannisters, two Targaryens, two Cleganes, two Greyjoys, two dragons, and a walking dead man were more than enough to fill the ancient stadium in the hearts of GoT fans. And in a bit of throne-ception, Itálica was the birthplace of Emperor Hadrian, who built the wall across England which inspired THE Wall.
How to get to Itálica
Itálica lies just north of Seville, on the road to Cáceres (you see where this is going?). Stop here on the way from Seville to Cáceres (or the other way around) as part of the totally awesome Game of Thrones/UNESCO/cultural route we just described above!
Itálica virtual tour
A virtual tour of Itálica puts you in the middle of the Dragonpit in a click.
Osuna, Spain (Daznak's Pit)
Filled with stunning Baroque buildings, the historic town of Osuna is home to the second most beautiful street in Europe according to UNESCO. Sure that’s nice, but what you’re really interested in is the bullring, where Danny, the Unsullied, and her dragon overthrew the Meereen slave masters in an epic fight scene. While in town, you can stop to enjoy lunch at Casa Curro, the cast’s favourite restaurant (Emilia Clarke had her birthday there!). They even have a special menu dedicated to the show.
How to get to Osuna
Osuna is about the halfway point on the road from Seville to Malaga. Making a trip to this vibrant seaside city not only gives the opportunity to visit Osuna, but the chance to enjoy a coastal culture complete with fresh seafood, historic monuments, and a comprehensive Picasso museum (he was born here).
Osuna virtual tour
Step into Draznak's Pit with this virtual tour of Osuna.
Castillo de Zafra, Spain (Tower of Joy)

A medieval castle standing atop a stone spur, it's hard to believe the Castillo de Zafra is a real place. While this isolated fortification held off the King of Castile, as the Tower of Joy it was no match for a very determined Ned Stark. A dramatic setting for a dramatic duel (and an even more dramatic twist), you can't actually enter the castle, but come on, look at it. It's literally fantastic.
How to get to the Castillo de Zafra
The Castillo de Zafra was intentionally built in a remote and defensible area. As such, the best way to visit is to stop their while you're traveling from say, Madrid to Zaragoza. Why make that trip? Well other than being recognized as a UNESCO World Heritage Site for its Mudejar architecture, Zaragoza is a great stopping point on your quest to see the other Game of Thrones locations in northern Spain (keep reading).
Castillo de Zafra virtual tour
The Because it's so remote, a virtual tour of the Castillo de Zafra is the best way to see it (at least until you book a private Daytrip transfer to stop there).
Bardenas Reales, Spain (Dothraki Sea)

Stretching as far as the eye can see (104,000-acres in fact), the Bardenas Reales are a semi-arid landscape of chalk, clay, and sandstone with sparse vegetation. Appropriately nicknamed the Spanish Badlands, this desolate landscape was a perfect stand-in for the Dothraki Sea. It's easy to picture a horde on horseback galloping from behind the other-worldly formations.
How to get to Bardenas Reales
Located in a rather remote part of northeastern Spain, Zaragoza is the closest major city to Bardenas Reales. But since you're looking to visit GoT locations on your Spanish vacation, why not take a private car from Zaragoza to Bilbao? You'll be able to stop at the Bardenas Reales on your way to the famous Basque country. Once there, you're just a short drive away from the two locations used for Dragonstone. Plus you'll be able to eat like the Ruler of the Seven Kingdoms in one of the world's gastronomic capitals.
Bardenas Reales virtual tour
Cross the shallow sea and see the Dothraki homeland with a virtual tour of the Bardenas Reales.
San Juan de Gaztelugatxe, Spain (Dragonstone)
In Season 7, Daenerys and co. finally cross the Narrow Sea to land at Dragonstone. While they first come ashore at the rocky Itzurun Beach, San Juan de Gaztelugatxe stands in for the castle's dramatic staircase. Dragonstone Castle itself was digitally rendered, but the rocky coast, stone bridge, and winding stairway makes it easy to imagine you’re about to reclaim Westeros with the Mother of Dragons.
How to get to San Juan de Gaztelugatxe
Located on the northern coast of Spain, San Juan de Gaztelugatxe isn't the easiest place to get to. But if you love culture, food, and Game of Thrones, take a private car from Bilbao to San Sebastian (or do it the other way). You'll be able to visit San Juan de Gaztelugatxe and Itzurun Beach, and experience the amazing Basque culture and food. Basque country is considered one of the world's top gastronomic destinations, and these two cities boast about a dozen Michelin-starred restaurants between them.
San Juan de Gaztelugatxe virtual tour
Fortunately you don't need to spend seasons building a fleet of ships to visit Dragonstone - just take a virtual tour of San Juan de Gaztelugatxe!
If you're looking to visit real-life Game of Thrones filming locations, the easiest way to do it is to book a private car with Daytrip.